About | Mid-Atlantic Permaculture
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About us

Let me ask you something...

Have you ever wondered if you will ever have the time and money in your busy life to provide wholesome, homegrown food for your family between work, chores, errands and the kid's soccer practice?  Do you worry about food security while living in a world full of seemingly endless conflict and increased competition over resources?  And what about those plants out in your garden?  What happens to them when life gets in the way, and you forget to water for a week?  Or worse yet, what would happen if the water stopped flowing altogether and the Miracle Gro was sold out indefinitely?  Would they all die?  Your hard work and precious time gone to waste, with the question of where your next meal will come from still on the forefront of your mind...


These are real life questions and concerns.  Let's face it, the way we learned to garden just isn't going to cut it in the modern world where time is limited, and uncertainty is real.  We need solutions that are resilient and self-sustaining.  We need systems that can provide for themselves and feed our families regardless of the cost of fertilizer and the number of activities on the calendar.  Most of all, we need access to fresh and nutritious food despite the rising prices at the grocery store and our increasingly stretched budgets.


This is where Permaculture comes into play.  Have you heard of it before?  If so, you may have images flashing through your brain of people doing yoga and drinking herbal tea in their gardens.  This certainly does describe many permaculturists out there, however this is not what I am here to share with you.


I want you to picture a garden that provides food during the heaviest rains and the driest droughts.  A place of edible abundance and wildlife in the backyard of a city row-house.  A farm full of food for market that produces more each year without requiring constant input of outside resources.  Sound intriguing?  Want to learn how you can see this reality in your own life?  Join those of us who eat better for less work and less money.  Read our blog to see what is possible for you!

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